Status unknown
Hammonds Lane, SO40 3LF
Reported via Android in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 06:01, Fri 16 July 2021
Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2867557.
My family and my neighbours, in the vicinity of the blind bend on Hammonds Lane have previously asked for something to be done regarding our concealed driveways. My garage is two houses down, right on the bend and I have to reverse in off the road. Also, we have a two car driveway outside our house, where again we have to reverse in. On numerous occasions, I and my family have received a lot of abuse, swearing, hand gestures and honking of horns. They come speeding around that corner, quite often on the wrong side of the road, without a care in the world. This is not just us that this affects. There are at least 10 houses/driveways that are affected by inconsiderate drivers. Another major point is that the family across the road have a severely disabled child, in a wheelchair, who gets picked up in a mini bus. The mini bus has no choice but to park on the road to transport the girl off and on the vehicle. Each time they do this, they are put at considerable risk with inconsiderate, impatient drivers who will not wait. We were told many years ago that they would do something about the road priority which should slow cars down. This has never happened. Is it possible to put up a sign, in both directions, to say concealed driveways? Also could a mirror be put on the lamppost, opposite our garages, so myself and my neighbours can see what's coming around the blind bend? We've seen a few accidents in the time we've lived here. I really don't know how there hasn't been a fatality on this corner. People travel way too fast around the corner, generally in the middle of the road. It could really do with some white lines down the middle to stop people drifting onto the wrong side of the road. I hope you can do something to help me and my neighbours.
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