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Bridge over the River Quaggy

Reported via desktop in the Road Traffic Signs category by Mr Tom Crispin at 15:48, Mon 28 June 2021

Sent to Lewisham Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2824386.

The bridge over the River Quaggy is on the boundary of Bromley and Greenwich with Bromley being the highway authority for the bridge and to the east of the bridge. West of the bridge Lewisham is the highway authority, and north of the bridge Greenwich is the highway authority.

Shown in the picture is the shiny new 10T weight restriction sign installed at Bromley taxpayers' expense to the east of the bridge. There are no weight restriction signs to the north of the bridge (Greenwich) or to the west of the bridge (Lewisham).

Lewisham assert that the bridge now has a 40T weight limit (presumably believing it has been strengthened) and they gleaned this information from Bromley.

Either Bromley has squandered taxpayers' money on the new sign or Lewisham has made a mistake in removing the 10T limit signs.

To further confuse matters, there is a second bridge over the River Quaggy this time on Mottingham Lane, again on the boundary of Bromley and Greenwich, but with Greenwich the highway authority. Could it be that this bridge has the 10T limit.

Whatever the answer, this matter needs investigating as a matter of urgency, and the investigation should include liaising with Lewisham and Greenwich highway authorities to get to the bottom of this matter and ensuring that all three highway authorities display the correct signage for the bridge.

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