Status unknown
A bad driver who is in the wrong !!!
Reported via desktop in the Car parking category anonymously at 12:02, Mon 28 June 2021
Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2823498.
The owner of this car owns , the glassy club on green lane road , he parks on the pavement while he unloads beer etc , people nearly get run over by passing traffic , he leaves it on the pavement for half an hour sometimes , shocking and dangerous !!!!!!
Get video footage of car driving on pavement as that is illegal and police will be interested Also if always at same time every day then police will stake it out
Posted anonymously at 12:43, Mon 28 June 2021
The club owner is still parking his car on the pavement for 20 minutes sometimes , while he unloads it [ a job that takes five miutes max !!! ] , people are still nearly getting run over , while they go by it !!
Yet the council let him get away with it daily , they say its a police matter , you couldnt make it , could you , soon some will get killed !!!!!
Posted anonymously at 16:18, Mon 12 July 2021
From last thursday 15th july 21 , its back to the good old days , where its now a two way traffic system , which means it now even more dangerous , with drivers still going very fast , good old leicester city council , working for the voters ??, the club owner is still parking on the pavement , and still no one gives him a ticket , what about metal rails or concrete bollards , just a thought !!!!!!
Posted anonymously at 17:43, Sun 18 July 2021
The club owner now parks his car half on the pavement & half on the road when unloading , which is better then nothing i suppose . although he is done in five minutes , he still leaves it there for 20 odd minutes , which is still taking the micky !!!!!!!
Posted anonymously at 16:31, Mon 26 July 2021
Still open, via questionnaire -
The owner still parks half on the pavement and half on the road while off loading his car , he still leaves it there for longer than he should , the problem is sometimes he opens and close when he wants to , nobody seems that bothered especialy the city council !!!!
Some even have a mini party on percival st , taking out cans of beer from the club , before it closes , that should against the law shouldnt it !!!!!!!!!!
Posted anonymously at 18:13, Mon 23 August 2021
Still open, via questionnaire -
The owner stills parks on the pavement , while he unloads his stock of cans , he does not beer on draught , you couldnt make it up , a den of inequity and debauchery , punters standing outside with a can in one hand and a roll up fag in the other , a eysore !!!!!!!!!
Posted anonymously at 16:36, Tue 21 September 2021
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