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Cars illegally driving/parking on pavement

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 13:35, Sat 6 October 2012

Sent to Birmingham City Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 282218.

Cars are being driven at speed along pavement on Topcroft rd they are using 2 separate dropped kerbs to mount pavement and park they then drive at speed along pavement to exit ,Young children frequently use this pavement (many 4/5 year olds on their own)to cross the road and go to the corner shop and they cannot see or expect these cars being driven at them this is a accident waiting to happen ,Bollards need to be installed to stop this happening as this corner piece of pavement has turned into a car park no 29 ,31,33 and 37 worse offenders

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 16:22, Sat 3 November 2012

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