Status unknown
Council plan to fell the trees
Reported via mobile in the Trees category anonymously at 22:07, Wed 23 June 2021
Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2814227.
In St Matthews within Leicester city the quality of the air is reported as the worst in Leicester. However the council has planning permission to exacerbate our polluted air by cutting down the large healthy climate friendly trees along the edge of the housing estate, on St Matthew's Way. The residents/tenants reported in Leicester Mercury along with the Green party and others there had not been any proper consultation. The planned spend of £800,000 to clear away trees, walkways and brick sheds to build more car parks goes against government signing up to the Paris Agreement for improving air quality.
The planned work to St Matthew's, for small car parks involving cutting down trees and demolishing brick walls, courtyard, bin sheds and a public footpath/alley, is still set to begin this September 2021. Residents wish to park their car near their flat. However the information and consultation does not say residents with cars will get a designated carpark space near their home. Unless that gets planned, I fear it wont solve the reason given for council spending £850,000; about half of tenants dont use cars, we all want healthier cleaner air and more greenery and trees to encourage walking and to improve the present poor air quality. District Heating system is making tenants flats have a inside temperature of 29 Celsius which is not supportive of human life and health and safety.
Posted anonymously at 13:27, Thu 22 July 2021
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I dont think the plans have changed. The natural environment is continuing to be destroyed by actions of human organisations. Short term goals of making money are put first. Encouraging use of policy and transport that further pollutes our air, while destroying trees, pedestrian alleys and other things that help us have cleaner air, is priority. Things seem to have to keep getting worse before enough people and organisations see and realise that we need a longer term strategy. We will save the planet and extend our lives if we do what can be done to make our air less polluted. Clean Air For St Matthews. Please look at this Facebook group. It explains how could work together to make better lives for everyone. Thankyou. Also there obviously needs an approach to all plans which is; "Polluters Pay". The makers of polluting things of course have to stop making them and clean up the effects of their pollution. Then they can develop new things that do not pollute and the world will thrive.
Posted anonymously at 17:33, Thu 19 August 2021
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