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Blocked Drains

Reported via desktop in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 15:46, Fri 18 June 2021

Sent to Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2802012.

Hi there, I have spoken with Eastleigh council today, they have advised me the upkeep and clearing of storm drains etc in the gutters of the highway is the responsibility of Hampshire Highways. I live in Mead Road Chandlers Ford where we have a continuous issue with blocked drains as a direct result of a very large oak tree on the pavement at the beginning of the road. The drains are never cleared resulting in blocked leaves etc all year round. The picture I have attached was taken outside my house today in the middle of summer. We live on a flood plain due to service water. When it rains the water has nowhere to go due to blocked drains. Can you imagine what this problem is like during the autumn when the leaves are falling off the oak tree. Please may I ask for the drains to be cleared as a matter of urgency and a plan put in place for regular clearing of the drains due to the high levels of debris and the high risk the residents of Mead Road are under. We have a lot of older people living in bungalows in the street, they are very concerned with the risk to them due to the blocked drains. Many thanks for your help in this matter. Kind regards, Nicola Waddilove.

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