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Huge fir tree on corner of a residential property

Reported via mobile in the Trees category anonymously at 20:47, Thu 10 June 2021

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2783723.

Huge tree blocks entire length of kings way up to the bend from Kennedy way turning onto kings walk People going at 30 mph down kings walk People often don’t know there’s a junction there and that car drivers are unsighted coming out to go round to right onto kings walk. Parked cars outside the house also on the corner further block the view. It’s not possible to see if vehicles are coming until you are halfway out of Kennedy way and in the middle of kings walk. Today I was involved in a very serious near crash. A vehicle came suddenly into my view at the last minute. We both braked hard and avoided a nasty collision. We nearly collided as he was on the wrong side of the road as he’d overtaken the car parked outside the house who have the tree in their garden. Both of us were unsighted till only a couple of yards away. Plus I was barely moving knowing of this hazard whereas the other driver didn’t seem to know that the junction of Kennedy way was there. He just said he was driving straight on. If the tree wasn’t there he would have seen me at the junction coming out and would have probably waited behind the parked car till if got out. As things were we didn’t see each other to the last minute. He was driving very fast on the wrong side of the road. He also had a foreign accent. He just said he was going straight on and if I could’ve seen him I would have let him. The tree size is the main culprit. My neighbour and I feel the area would benefit from a 20mph speed limit mainly for people coming here who do know tge hazards here. Locals always seem to drive that speed anyway

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  • I have come up with an idea that would benefit those driving out of Kennedy Way which I feel would work whilst the foliage is not being cut back as the people with the tree and high foliage have been advised to do but still haven’t done Could a convex mirror be put up opposite the exit from Kennedy Way ? It would need to be on Kings Walk. This would if properly placed give vision both to those exiting Kennedy Way and traffic coming down Kings Walk to make the junction much much safer. It wouldn’t matter about high foliage then or where cars are parked as the mirror would clearly show if cars are there or not. But still a road marking of give way or even stop would help stop people just automatically swinging round that corner assuming all was clear. Recently experienced this too. Car on wrong side of the road overtaking a parked car on the junction. We both braked. The car I was faced with then reversed and let me by. I’ve learnt to expect a car round every bend so I crawl round at 5-10mph. So I would really appreciate a convex mirror on a post opposite Kennedy Way and markings on the road at the junction. Preferable one saying STOP

    Posted anonymously at 11:08, Wed 1 September 2021

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