Status unknown
Speed bumps not sufficient
Reported via mobile anonymously at 08:52, Sat 29 May 2021
Sent to Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2756198.
I appreciate that the speed bumps have been nuilt to specifications but I believe specifications are not sufficient, you can drive over the speed bumps as thay are narrower than cars and you can drive between them. They do nothing to slow cars down.
Council ref: 2756198
Cars can now go faster on the road than previous. These bumps are causing more dangerous driving and someone will get hurt because of them
Posted anonymously at 10:39, Sat 26 June 2021
Still open, via questionnaire -
I've had no response to this and we are now having cars speeding up the road doing wheel spins.
Posted anonymously at 12:26, Sat 24 July 2021
Still open, via questionnaire -
Still open, via questionnaire, 12:35, Sat 21 August 2021
Still no response, im incredibly disappointed. This is a residential area, there is a primary school off of this road on Ferristonand no pedestrian crossings.
As stated this change has made the road more dangerous, increased speeding and dangerous driving.
Posted anonymously at 12:38, Sat 21 August 2021
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