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Excessive and dangerous amount of traffic down one way lane due to main road through botley closed

Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 07:29, Mon 24 May 2021

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2744749.

Main road through Botley has been closed with traffic using Crows Nest Lane as a diversion. This is a narrow lane with no footpath. The lane is barely wide enough for two cars to pass, let alone the size of lorries also travelling down the lane. Neighbours drives are being turned up by people using them as passing points and places to turn around. We are unable to leave the house by foot again due to the amount of traffic and speed in which it is travelling.

This is disgusting and needs to be addressed ASAP before a serious accident is had

This is not a main road or a diversion route. This happened around 8 weeks ago and a pipe ended up bursting due to the weight and traffic.

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