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Over 160mm deep and wider than 255mm

Reported via mobile in the Potholes category anonymously at 23:25, Tue 18 May 2021

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2734945.

Further accidents imminent! Monday 17/05/21 18:10 I turned left coming from Brighton Road Horley onto A23 London Road heading towards Airport Way, when the cars in front swerved left and right. There was a massive bang when I drove through one of the four pot holes. I drove onto the M23 heading towards Crawley when my NSF tyre blew when I was in the fast lane, luckily I made it to the hard shoulder. The Alloy is buckled/ bent and the 6 months old Continental Tyre split from the impact sustained from the pot hole!

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