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Illegal Parking on Pavement Obstructing Pedestrian Access

Reported via desktop in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 18:49, Thu 13 May 2021

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2724594.

This has been an ongoing problem for the last 2 years, or so. Cars park onto the kerb (see picture). In doing so they restrict access on the pavement to all passing pedestrians. The Parked cars cause obstructions to pedestrians: people with young children trying to walk with an adult (from nearby school); older people with walking sticks who need more space to mobilise safely; pushchairs or for people on mobility scooters, or wheelchair users. Those who are able to are forced to walk around the car on to the road (Heathcote Drive), which is a busy road, or onto Private Property (see picture). Those unable to walk onto the road are restricted in using the pavement and look for alternative routes to their destination, such as to the bus stop.

The lay-by is designed for only two cars. The car parked onto the pavement also restricts access to the cars legally parked in the lay-by.

There is a dent in the pavement caused by the cars parked on the pavement, causing damage. Furthermore, the parked car obstructs the vision of cars coming out of the garage block and putting the driver in danger from cars approaching on the road. The cars coming out have to edge forward to get a clear vision of the road, thus putting passing pedestrians in danger of being knocked over.

A proposed solution to this ongoing problem is for clear restrictions signs/no parking markings on the pavement - Do Not Obstruct: Pedestrian Access.

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  • Problem not been fixed. Council 'palmed me off' to reporting problem to the Police as an 'offence to obstruct access to public highways;. Unresolved problem.

    Posted anonymously at 13:04, Fri 21 May 2021

  • This is an ongoing problem for the past 4 years. The parking is causing obstruction to pedestrians, especially those with pushchairs and small children trying to pass by. It is also a school run route and causes a hold-up for parents trying to get children to school. Older adults with mobility scooters also struggle to get through the narrowed pavement caused by the obstruction.

    Posted anonymously at 13:55, Sat 12 June 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • There is only enough room for 1 person to pass. This is clearly an obstruction to pedestrians' right of way. The council have failed to address the matter! This issue affects people with disabilities or prams - contravening the Equality Act 2010.

    Posted anonymously at 21:31, Sat 10 July 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

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