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Concrete pillar knocked over by road. Sharp broken wood from vandalised bench

Reported via mobile anonymously at 20:17, Tue 11 May 2021

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2720190.

Concrete pillar on the bend of Shelley Avenue just off Barewell Road near st margarets primary school is lying lose on the floor near the road. A car hit it and kids have finished the job by removing it from the ground fully. Also kids have vandalised the bench’s on the Shelly avenue corner plot that sharp bits of wood are left from the bench being broken. Complaints of kids playing in this area have been raised before but been ignored. A no ball games or bikes sign was asked to be put up but got ignored, there’s now dangerous objects left in an area where many school kids pass going to school as it’s directly opposite a primary school

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