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Very overhanging tree branches

Reported via mobile in the Trees category anonymously at 18:37, Thu 6 May 2021

Sent to Harborough District Council and Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2710773.

The tree branches are overhanging so bad you struggle to bend to get under them, in the rain it’s impassable due to the branches on the path. You cannot go any other way as it is on the a6 only one path. Mobility scooters cannot get underneath

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  • Already reported and the one further round the A6 towards the Coach & Horses. With the leaves and flowers coming out plus the rain, the branches are now lower than they have been. I've no date for them to be cut as the county council have to first contact the landowner of the tree, ask them to cut it back, and if after a month or so they haven't then LCC cut it back and send the bill to the landowner.

    Posted by Kevin Feltham at 20:40, Thu 6 May 2021

  • This car appears to have been abandoned for the last month. There is a crook lock attached to steering wheel but there has been no movement of the car.

    Posted anonymously at 09:39, Wed 6 October 2021

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