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Ball games

Reported via mobile anonymously at 17:20, Mon 26 April 2021

Sent to Leeds City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2692586.

Please can a no ball games sign be put up on this street. It is causing a lot of problems. Children are playing with a football on the street where there are lots of expensive cars parked on the street and also damaging household fences. I have told them several times but they will stop then and just start playing another day. Please can you help stop this, because not only fences but cars and other properties might be damaged in the future. There is a park at the bottom of the street where the children can play ball games

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  • Youths playing football in redwood way hitting expensive cars on and off the street kicked ball into gardens over hedges at some height walking into garden’s without even asking permission

    Posted anonymously at 18:10, Mon 24 May 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 12:31, Tue 22 June 2021

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 07:41, Wed 21 July 2021

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