In progress
Please see closed order no 2513439
Reported via desktop in the Tree is considered to be causing damage category anonymously at 20:42, Thu 8 April 2021 using FixMyStreet Pro
Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2661031.
I see from the original order that it has been closed with no comment. The problem still exists. As I have repeatedly told you the Cherry and Laburnum Trees that are in the verge outside the entrance to my properties (The Terrace Stamford Road Barnack) are in very poor condition, with broken branches, rotting trunks which are damaging my boundary wall. We have had several incidents where delivery driver's have been obstructed by the branches and have caused considerable damage trying to get in/out of the entrance. As of today 6th April 2021, the trees are STILL in poor condition with large branches split and hanging dangerously due to the strong winds we have had recently. This is a problem which will not go away! If any damage is caused to my Tenants property or mine (ie the boundary wall etc) then you will be liable. I would like to discuss this with a Team member as my last report was close with no outcome, or advise to me. I am the Agent working on behaĺf of the Owner of the properties mr Roy Cox. My contact number is 07905009896 Geoff Sutcliffe
Inspection Arranged
Thanks for your enquiry regarding a council-owned tree.
Your enquiry has been allocated to one of our qualified tree surveyors who will carry out an inspection and provide an update within 20 working days.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 07:48, Fri 9 April 2021
Works in progress
The works order has now been issued to the contractor for completion within 30 working days. However due to Covid-19 restrictions and workings this may be extended
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 08:06, Thu 20 May 2021
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.