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Rats harassing nesting Swans

Reported via mobile anonymously at 08:38, Sat 3 April 2021

Sent to Leeds City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2650113.

There are a pair of nesting Swans on Nunroyd Pond and last night there were around 6 rats on the nest harassing the Swans. The Swans we’re getting very stressed having to protect their eggs from the rats. If this carries on there won’t be any eggs left and the Swans will probably abandon their nest. Please help.

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  • I am still very concerned about the nesting Swans. The female has now started to incubate the eggs but still the rats are frequently on the nest harassing her. I observed 6 rats this morning within a five minute period. Can you please give me an update or advise who I need to contact so that the Swans can nest in peace. Before you comment on there always being rats near water, I quite agree but not to the degree they are at the moment. I remember last year reading an article on nesting swans having similar problems somewhere else in the country and their council sorted it ASAP.

    Posted anonymously at 17:56, Sun 11 April 2021

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