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9 Deep & Dangerous Potholes

Reported via iOS in the Potholes category by Duncan McLaren at 15:30, Sat 27 March 2021

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2637204.

The Walkerburn Road surface between Paisley Road West and Berwick Drive has 9 large deep and dangerous potholes requiring prompt repair as they could possibly cause vehicle damage or an accident. Photos of 3 of them are included.

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  • Not a chance they will deal with them. If they do it will be a residual repair which if past repairs go by should last month if that. Have had problems in the past with primary roads, never mind residential roads, so here's hoping someone with some common sense (sorry for the Council that is an oxymoron) can do something.

    Posted anonymously at 10:08, Wed 31 March 2021

  • Not a chance they will deal with them. If they do it will be a residual repair which if past repairs go by should last month if that. Have had problems in the past with primary roads, never mind residential roads, so here's hoping someone with some common sense (sorry for the Council that is an oxymoron) can do something.

    Posted anonymously at 10:09, Wed 31 March 2021

  • Nothing done!

    Posted by Duncan McLaren at 16:10, Sat 24 April 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Not a bloody thing done, sorry about the language but it is very very very frustrating to have our elected council do anything resembling where common sense comes into the equation. Please remember this when you cast your vote.

    Posted anonymously at 17:41, Sun 25 April 2021

  • Classified as “Not Dangerous” so not fixed!

    Posted by Duncan McLaren at 19:02, Sat 22 May 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • If this is classed as not dangerous, how is it that I hit a large one and luckily held on to control of my car avoiding smashing into parked cars. This route during the week is an essential link to the local primary school so you would think that as it is an essential link road and it should be dealt with appropriately. To date nothing has been done.

    Posted by Donald McInnes at 09:48, Sun 23 May 2021

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 14:24, Mon 21 June 2021

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