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Criticality dangerous parking at a school

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 12:10, Thu 11 March 2021 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Cherwell District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2601388.

Hi, I am writing to vent my frustration regarding critically dangerous parking opposite Harriers View - Harriers Banbury Academy. It tends to be the same drivers parking fully on the pavement and it is very very dangerous as this morning my daughter and I were left with about 2 feet to walk next to the road while a lorry was passing us. The kind of people that park like this are the kind of people that if you say something to them they want to fight you and I really would prefer to avoid this. My youngest child is my last of 3 children attending Harriers View and is in her last year, this makes her eligible to walk to school alone as part of her development but it’s far to dangerous and these people are denying my child the right to walk to school safely. I am sure you understand my and others frustrations. Please, please, please help with this issue before a horrific accident occurs.

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