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Dangerous condition

Reported via desktop by Chris Gibbings at 07:20, Wed 10 March 2021

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2598330.

The Harbour walk has an open rusted electrical fitting and a massive amount of the wooden seating alongside the walk has rotted . Not only very uninviting to visitors who we hope will come to see the lights but also dangerous if it snags clothes or worse collapses when sat on. Whole area looking sad and uncared for.

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  • Still not done. Seating along the walk is rotten and dangerous as well. Much better to fix this than spend money NOW on new lighting and what will become massive Sequoia trees. Instead of pet projects lets fix what is wrong first.

    Posted by Chris Gibbings at 14:35, Thu 8 April 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 16:38, Thu 6 May 2021

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