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Illegal parking on the junction, blocked access

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 11:53, Fri 5 March 2021

Sent to Canterbury City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2588652.

Cars are constantly parked on top of the KEEP CLEAR lettering at this junction, also further up the no through road too.

This forces pedestrians to walk in the toad, including schoolchildren. It also blocks access and makes it extremely difficult to access driveways further up. It is almost impossible for a larger vehicle to drive up and indeed for emergency services to access.

This issue has been present for as long as I remember, almost 20 years perhaps. This NEEDS to be sorted ASAP to help prevent vehicle damage or worse. It caused stress for the residents further up the Lane.

It should be a physical pavement, or at least double yellow lines with enforcement! It’s completely unacceptable for this situation to continue. Thanks.

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