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Rubbish all over the pavement due to over flowing bins

Reported via desktop in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 17:37, Sun 28 February 2021

Sent to South Oxfordshire District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2577678.

Bins always full and over flowing in this area. Who ever is in charge if waste collection in the Henley/Shiplake area needs to be more pro active in getting the bins emptied regularly as there is rubbish strewn everywhere.

Council ref: 2577678

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  • Impossible to access 800 bus timetable and difficult to access bus when it makes steep turn at this stop due to tall nettles and very overgrown footpath. Reported this last year too, and footpath was cut back a little but has rapidly got entirely overgrown again. Have contacted Arriva to alert them too.

    Posted anonymously at 08:26, Tue 24 August 2021

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