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Rubbish causing rats

Reported in the Dumped rubbish category anonymously at 21:58, Tue 12 June 2012

Sent to Redbridge 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 257274.

Outside the house of 41 Hickling Road is masses of rubbish collecting up for months. The inclement weather lately has now created a rat home. I have witnessed myself rats going into the disgusting pit that is outside 41 Hickling Road. Not only is this a public health warning, but the landlord and its tenants seem not to have a care in the world when being approached. This needs to be addressed urgently before we have some serious health issues.

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  • I would also ask the council investigate the tenants whom are currently living in this property. There seems to be a number of them yet the landlord has stated that only two people live there. I am assuming that these people are not registered to live in this property nor the landlord registered for paying tax on this property. I will not be suprised if this is a complete scam.

    Posted anonymously at 22:05, Tue 12 June 2012

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