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Reported via iOS in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 22:50, Wed 24 February 2021

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2570518.

This is one tiny example of the litter along the A46. I understand from speaking to Highways England and Leicestershire County Council that responsibility for litter picking rests between Leicester City Council and Charnwood depending on the side/stretch of the road concerned.

Please advise me what action will be taken by whom.

I appreciate you didn’t create the problem but its presence only encourages others to add to it. Thank you.

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  • I believe it is being fixed. It falls under four different authorities. One told me it will be picked in April. Another that they passed my enquiry on to the relevant department. There has been some evidence that Leicester City Council have been out picking.

    Posted anonymously at 04:41, Thu 25 March 2021

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