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Traffic Light Issues

Reported in the Traffic light category by Steve Poessinouw at 16:02, Fri 1 June 2012

Sent to Transport For London Street Management 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 254809.

The traffic lights on the Green Man roundabout for the roads leading from Whipps Cross and Snaresbrrok are red for a long period of time during rush hour (7 / 8am) in the monrings. This is causing a large build up of traffic leading back from the roundabout past Snaresbrook station, down New Wanstead Road and back to Whipps Cross hospital. I have only noticed this in the past few weeks so it looks like the lights have been altered very recenrly, perhaps to give us a flavour of just what to expect during the olympics !!

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 08:24, Mon 2 July 2012

  • Traffic still building up past South Woodford

    Posted by Steve Poessinouw at 08:24, Mon 2 July 2012

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