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Dead Rat

Reported in the Street cleaning category anonymously at 20:22, Tue 29 May 2012

Sent to Torridge District Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 254196.

Roland has been dead for some days now and while the local residents have steadfastly ignored him, driven over him, walked the children past him not a soul has done anything about him.

Residents' cats and two dogs have sniffed and tentatively licked Roland, then disappeared to return home and ditto their owners, presumably.

I left him as is as an experiment to see how long it would take someone to clear it (not Torridge District Council, just someone who didn't want these revolting creatures nearby let alone festering in the heat.

However, 10 days on, he stinks and if he gets any flatter from vehicles running over him, I'll stick a stamp on him and post him!

Amazing that no-one said or did anything.

The dead rat is at the BACK of Hill Cliff Terrace, on the footpath there, at the far end of Hill Cliff Terrace from the public conveniences in Jubilee Road.

All jesting apart, could someone come and clear the remains please. Is there a Rat problem in the area?

Thank you.

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  • You've worded that beautifully lol. This has got to be the best report to a council ever. It made me laugh, especially the part where you say "I'll stick a stamp on him and post him!" will that be first class or second?. If fixmystreet did best report of the year you'd win it hands down :D - let me know if he gets removed or if you sent him by post :)

    Posted anonymously at 21:24, Tue 29 May 2012

  • Roland, disappeared when we looked at lunch-time.

    Hats off and thanks to Torridge District Council for a very expeditious service.

    Saved the price of a stamp!

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 00:53, Thu 31 May 2012

  • So Mr Rat is gone then? good that they removed him so soon, or maybe something had him for lunch lol. Well at least you didn't have to post him haha.

    Posted anonymously at 18:44, Thu 31 May 2012

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