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Overhanging shrubbery

Reported via mobile in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 15:40, Thu 11 February 2021

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2540453.

The shrubs next to footpath at the left hand side of the Donisthorpe miners welfare access gates from church Street are overgrown and need cutting back to prevent injury and make pedestrian access easier.

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  • The council has responded, saying the shrubbery in question isn't their responsibility and there it doesn't post a threat of injury. I beg to differ, the bushes in question nearly had my eye out the other day and because of their obstruction make it necessary to go onto the road to get around. I would say that it does post a threat of injury. Maybe this is a parish council issue or an issue for Western power as the shrubs border the area of the transformer?

    Posted anonymously at 16:11, Tue 16 February 2021

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