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Regular carriageway flooding, causing danger.

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 15:38, Thu 4 February 2021

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2524949.

Regular carriageway flooding after heavy rain (which is within reasonable expectation in the UK), causing standing water in the road. This is a danger as the road is not lit, and it is a main A(30) road where the traffic may be travelling at up to 60mph. Existing strewn car parts show this point experiences occasional vehicle damage events. The carriageway drainage is currently insufficient - please can a permanent solution be devised and implemented (eg raise the road level by 12-18inches in this dip area, piped drainage between each side)? A couple of 'slow-flood' signs doesn't really permanently address this issue. Please.

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