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Flooding to Road surface

Reported via iOS in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 22:06, Mon 1 February 2021

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2517682.


Please would you send an engineer to assess the flooding of the road surface. The cause appears to be that the Road side ditch has not been maintained, meaning the gullets under the Road that exit in the copse opposite are blocked, the surface water simply drains over the Road, further exacerbated by the blocked drain on the corner, that almost certainly requires a new pipe from the drain, approximately 20m in the verge to take the water into the brook. The flooding that takes place in heavy rain is a serious danger to traffic. More recently, with the water level on the road as it is now, with very cold over night temperatures means that a full width 20m section of Road approaching an at the junction becomes black ice. One cyclist came off his bike last week, 3 cyclists crashed this weekend just gone. Fortunately only superficial injuries were sustained by all.

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