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Lorry blocking footpath and destroying verges

Reported via Android in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 15:06, Wed 27 January 2021

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2503840.

Van is parked on cutway footpath that supposedly has no vehicle access - it has been 2 days now. This forces pedestrians off onto the muddy slippy verges - accidents waiting to happen, slips, trips, falls, twists and sprains. The van has also destroyed the verges with it tyres, also sinking and getting stuck at points creating dangerous ruts at the edges of the path that will lead to further injury of pedestrians including children who still have to use this route to get to the schools. Injury will lead to further pressure on the NHS not just if treatment is required but when the workers have to take time off when them or their children suffer injury. Van company should pay for repairing the damage they caused, not the council tax payers!

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