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Water flowing across road and freezing blocking vehicular access

Reported via desktop anonymously at 10:16, Mon 25 January 2021

Sent to Folkestone and Hythe District Council and Kent County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2499687.

Whilst extensive works has been undertaken recently it has only marginally solved the problem. The road traverses the side of a hill and any water draining from the up hill side runs across the pavement and flows across the road and down the hill making it a complete sheet of ice when it freezes. A simple and inexpensive solution would be to create a shallow gutter alongside the kerb to direct the water to the new drain. However a small modification needs to be done to that new drain cover as it sits proud of the existing road and the water bypasses it. Residents of Mill Fields Road have become marooned as no vehicles including emergency service's can pass this obstruction.

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  • A basic understanding of how water flows would have helped in stopping the problem. All that is needed is for a gutter to be formed alongside the kerb in the road surface to direct the water to the new drain that has already been installed above the level of the road surface. Dont they ever check by poring a bucket of water down the road to see if it works before leaving site?

    Posted anonymously at 09:45, Wed 24 February 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:23, Thu 25 March 2021

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