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Annoyingly high level traffic signals. WHY?

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights category anonymously at 11:53, Tue 19 January 2021

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2487875.

Can anyone explain to me why the traffic lights on this one approach are so high? When you're waiting at the stopline, you really have to arc your head up to see them change.

I believe these signals are mounted on an taller pole than normal ones. Other traffic lights on tall poles will still have a traffic light at normal hight in addition to the high level one. Why is this one location different??

I would suggest adding some extra traffic lights at a lower level or replace them with standard height poles and lights.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 17:56, Tue 16 February 2021

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