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Cars parking on pavements double yellow

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 09:27, Sun 17 January 2021

Sent to South Oxfordshire District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2482783.

Cars are constantly parking on the pavement of double yellow lines down kinds close. It's a hazard for cars coming out of their driveways as they cannot see down the road and as a pedestrian I should have the right to walk on the pavement with children and wheelchairs. This is not fair. This needs to be enforced. This is a daily occurance. A driveway for some of the houses can be created using the green that is not used for anything else. It could be partly tarmacked for some of the houses. Please can this be looked into. Also sometimes cars park where our bins are supposed to be collected! We all pay council tax but this is creating problems.

Not to also mention if the houses down the road get a fire, the fire truck will not be able to get past and if it parks in the road, the lockers need to be able to open and get equipment out quickly in a matter of an emergency.

Council ref: 2482783

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