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Inconsiderate joggers

Reported via desktop anonymously at 09:29, Mon 4 January 2021

Sent to Arun District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2459892.

Whilst many joggers are mindful of pedestrians and Covid rules, some still expect people to move out of their path. I witnessed two females jogging side by side along the greensward path in Rustington. The two elderly persons in their way had to move quickly onto the pebbles to maintain distancing rules. I and others have witnessed other such instances. Perhaps we could have some signage aimed at joggers to remind them of the distancing rules that now apply.

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  • Witnessed another incident on rustington greensward...Again female jogger, who shouted 'Coming through' and just carried on jogging between 2 pedestrians. No attempt to move out of the way and no regard for distancing rules.

    Posted anonymously at 15:11, Mon 1 February 2021

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