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Add a crossing point please?!?

Reported via iOS in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 19:49, Sun 3 January 2021

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2459359.

At the end of Bevan road there is a cut through to Monks crescent which takes lots of local families to the nearby school. There is no easy way to cross here though and the grass gets very muddy (especially when vehicles have been on it). To cross at the dipped kerb near the end of Hogarth road is like taking you life in your hands. You don’t get a clear view down Hogarth Road and the cars exit onto Bevan Road at speed so have had to brake suddenly on many occasions as young families try to cross safely.

This is made worse crossing the other way as cars park on the road outside the houses on Bevan road, effectively making it a one lane road. I would very much like to discuss the possibility of putting a dropped kerb or even just a couple of slabs at the least on the grass near the cut through to aid safer crossing after the Hogarth junction. Thank you

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