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Whole Heo Green garage compound flooded blocked drains

Reported via mobile anonymously at 23:59, Sun 27 December 2020

Sent to Arun District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2449647.

2 drains blocked causing flooding in garage compound , cars entering or leaving splashing from driving to fast. Popular area the garage compound for druggies and dumping household rubbish also leaving the compound to turn right impossible to see any traffic due to bad parking blocking view, should be a 2 way mirror opposite so can see what's coming along courtwick to clun road and able to pull out safely pls.

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  • Heo Green Garage compound flooded as usual also about 20 feet of pothole running along centre of compound going deep about 2 to 4 inches deep, dangerous for vehicles using garages as I do. But still exiting out of Heo green compound onto courtwick road extremely dangerous , should be 2 way mirror opposite so to see what's coming along courtwick road especially speeding vehicles, often been chased by police car. I am disabled with walking frame crossing to the mace express shop is dicing with death with no crossing point, which would probably slow some considerate driver down & theres not alot of them in wick I'm afraid.

    Posted anonymously at 17:41, Sat 30 January 2021

  • Heo Green wick littlehampton bn177jb garage compound garages no 21 & 22 have been broken into, also damage to no 15 garage door being forced to try to access.Also more rubbish dumped by our sheds on entrance to garage compound should be discreet cameras as well for safety, drug dealers paradise here.

    Posted anonymously at 22:19, Tue 16 February 2021

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