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Uneven slabs

Reported via desktop in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 07:05, Sat 5 December 2020

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2418479.

There are several paving slabs that are loose/cracked/uneven and see-sawing all across the dropped kerb outside number 51 Falconer crescent. My partner has spinal/neck issues and is in constant pain. She is also a blue badge holder. When I pull up outside the drive for her to get out she has repeatedly stumbled on these moving slabs of which exascerbates her pain for days on end. As a result she is averse to leaving the house. The condition with the neck means her head is twisted to her left and cannot look down due to her Dystonia. We have lived with the paving issue for more than a decade but it has now become extremely dangeroos.

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