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High tonnage HGVs causing house to noticeably shake on Hursley Road

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 16:43, Thu 3 December 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2416688.

Certain (heavy tonnage) HGVs travelling down the road in either direction cause my house to noticeably shake. I have not observed any noticeable defects to cause this in Hursley Road outside my property. My house is set back aprox 10 meters from the road. Lighter passenger and delivery vehicles pass unnoticed. The road noise as the HGVs approach and pass suggests the extreme vibration they cause is not just isolated to the spot indicated and other houses along the road likely have the same issue. This has been an issue for at least the 6 months I have lived here.

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