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The Incredible Moving Bin

Reported in the Parks/landscapes category anonymously at 22:39, Thu 22 March 2012

Sent to Scottish Borders Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 240691.

Is there any particular reason why the litter bin halfway along the path in Home Park keeps moving around?

Does someone at the council have a bin moving fetish?

It's bad enough it being its usual 1.5 meters away from the path, but now it's right back in the flower bed against the wall. What's the point in that?

People don't want to walk through grass to get to a bin. It's usually muddy or full of dog poo.

PLEASE stop moving the bin. PLEASE keep it in ONE place *next* to the path. Not a meter away from the path, not two meters away from the path and not in the daffodils against the wall, but actually next to the path where people can reach it.

Oh, and stop removing bins from around Coldstream, too. That also annoys me.

Thanks. Happy Easter.

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