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Reported via Android in the Flytipping category by Rita Severn 01797 320806 at 16:23, Sat 14 November 2020

Sent to Folkestone and Hythe District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2387072.

Coming from Tourney road Lydd into Jurys Gap Road towards Jurys Gap at Camber. On leaving Lydd on the bend just in the start of Jurys Gap Rd there on the right is a small layby the fly tipped is tucked around the corner in bushes. I have left Three little words for exact location they are ///simmer.seasonal.harmlessly easier for you to find.

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  • This flytip, reported November last year, still hasn't been cleared and will most likely be added to if not dealt with promptly.

    Posted anonymously at 16:58, Sat 3 April 2021

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