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Cars parking on road, blocking view for other drivers and causing mayhem outside londos(shop)

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 17:57, Fri 13 November 2020

Sent to Harborough District Council and Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2386396.

The shop has no where for customers to park so in day time the road side has multiple 5 or more at most days parked on road outside cars then have to over take on a bend just before a bus stop where children cross during school open and closing times. so dangerous I see multiple cars driving head on to each other and slamming on breaks causing ques both ways even towards the bull pub which is a very busy junction where people seem to believe it is a 70mph limit or more when infact its a 30 zone amazes me that no body has been hurt.

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