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Collapsing bank.

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 15:31, Tue 10 November 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2380860.

I own a property called Chapelhouse in Southside Road Longparish SP11 6PQ. Southside road is quite narrow and the property has a stream running along side the road. The bank has been badly damaged by either a tractor or two lorries passing. I am not sure if Test Valley CountyCouncil owns the road and who is responsible for repairing this stretch of the road. Any help you can give me regarding the repair of this damage would be gratefully appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Mrs Karolyn Milam.

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  • As far as I know this problem has not been sorted yet, Please could you give me an update at

    Thank you

    Karolyn S. Milam [Mrs]

    Posted anonymously at 22:22, Thu 10 December 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:34, Fri 8 January 2021

  • As far as I know this problem has not been sorted yet, Please could you give me an update at or as I do not reside at the property telephone 01825 762497 or contact Pearsons Andover Lettings who manage the property for me on 01264 353356.

    Thank you

    Karolyn S. Milam [Mrs]

    Posted anonymously at 15:44, Fri 5 February 2021

  • As far as I know this problem has not been sorted yet, Please could you give me an update at or as I do not reside at the property telephone 01825 762497 or contact Pearsons Andover Lettings who manage the property for me on 01264 353356.

    Thank you

    Karolyn S. Milam [Mrs]

    Posted anonymously at 15:55, Sat 6 February 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

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