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Roundabouts on Stoneham Lane (Old Map)

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 20:48, Mon 26 October 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2358615.

Roundabouts on Stoneham Lane Eastleigh, the ring junctions on both roundabout are to sharp to turn and go around. Basically the white lines on ring junctions are useless as it points traffic towards the center of roundabout, rather than point traffic around the roundabout. Two cars cant be on the roundabout at once as lanes are to narrow as there's so many near misses, buses and HGV's barely make the roundabout as lanes are to narrow. so to correct the situation make roundabouts smaller and curve the ring junctions so traffic is pointing in the direction of the right way around the roundabout.

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