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Inadequate road drainage and blocked gullies

Reported via desktop anonymously at 12:45, Mon 26 October 2020

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2357709.

Although we have had the property 61 Ellacombe Road for six years, this year following heavy rainfall we have had our property flooded out with surface and sewage water twice in 6 weeks. The water is coming down Windsor Road and hitting our property at force which is on the corner of Ellacombe Road and Berachah Road. We have ourselves taken action to stop this happening. But the problem also needs addressing in the area as we are not the only affected property. I have spoken to South west water who have referred me to the highways as after inspection they have found that the road gullies were blocked. Apart from needing clearing more regularly as this is a vulnerable spot to heavy rain being at a lower level I feel that more road gullies at this point would help similar to a number that have been put down Windsor road.

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  • Although the gullies and drains have now been cleared still waiting a solution to resolve the long term problem so it doesn’t happen again

    Posted anonymously at 14:06, Mon 23 November 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

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