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Irregular road surface

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 06:47, Fri 23 October 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2353592.

Reported this two years ago. Road is collapsing where old rail line used to be. There was some remedial work carried out at the time which consisted of laying more tarmac on top of the irregularity. Needless to say, over time the road has sunk more and the issue has become as bad as originally. This is likely, should it continue, to cause either an accident or damage to vehicles. Totally ridiculous; a proper repair once would remedy the problem...instead we have the usual quick fix that just defers it and costs more in the long run.

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  • Once again some surface dressing has been added on top of existing surface which will alleviate the issue for another couple of years until the road is again dangerous for motorists. This is the cheap does not remedy the problem. As a temporary measure it’s better than before, but there’s still a significant irregularity in the road surface.

    Posted anonymously at 07:24, Fri 20 November 2020

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