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Speeding Cars

Reported via desktop in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 09:22, Tue 13 October 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council and Test Valley Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2338426.

Cars are continuously speeding up the street to the Marlborough Street car park. This is extremely dangerous since this is a blind corner to the Marlborough Street houses. I have almost been hit by a car on countless occasions when walking out the back of my property. There are several elderly and young families living in the street. Please can a proper investigation be done by the council? Some form of speed bump is definitely needed here. It's just a matter of time before an accident occurs from a car coming out the drive or a kid gets hit coming out of their house.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 11:15, Tue 10 November 2020

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