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Birch needs pruning

Reported via mobile in the Trees category anonymously at 11:33, Wed 7 October 2020

Sent to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2329849.

Opposite 10 Main St LE9 9NL Tree has outgrown its position, now climbing through phone lines. I can prune at minimum cost through my company if you would like me to quote?

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  • This still hasn’t been sorted out by the Borough Council. They at first denied it was theirs, but looking at map it is!

    Posted anonymously at 13:00, Wed 24 March 2021

  • The Borough council has failed to do anything despite a number of reminders. This surprises me as it’s a key location in the conservation area. I have had enough and decided to do some of the work myself. I have pruned to around 8ft revealing a magnificent white birch trunk. The grass underneath can now recover and vehicles will no longer be trashed by the branches. Can the council now do the rest of the work! My brown bins are now full Your welcome

    Posted anonymously at 20:55, Thu 16 September 2021

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