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Lower erith road has moss coverered slippery pavement worse in winter that despite complaints council never moves so several falls and walking in road is very usual --one person parks on pavement at lisburne crescent end and could park over the road--trees grow in the road need felling and replants on pavements

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 15:53, Sun 27 September 2020

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2313890.

Moss on pavements -trees grow in road-car parks on pave ment and one pothole 3years old and lisburne square is like bumpy farm track --do some thing about this council we look like one of primitive countries that we pay over a billion per month to- the worlds highest foreign aid-plus vast numbers of their population as immigrants here after a better life resulting in us getting poorer -is gov mad? yes

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