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Barking dog at night

Reported anonymously at 05:59, Sun 20 September 2020

Sent to Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2302890.

My neighbour Mrs Dawn Parrish of 12 Brisbane Close, Langley green, Crawley, is letting her dog out into her garden to create an unbearable noise via his continuous barking. I am a registered nurse dealing with patients and I am constantly tired by this dog barking at unreasonable hours of the night. She is out sometimes 2-4 times in the early hours night. I have already spoken to Mrs Parrish in a nice manner about it and she said she will resolve the issue but this has not. The dog is out 2-4 loudly barking and she does not care to stop this behaviour. I have suggested a soft muzzle or training it but this has fallen on deaf ears. This has come to breaking point where I have now decided to shout profanities at them once I've woken up by this irritating barking dog

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