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Nashe Way Service Area 5 is a mess

Reported in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 00:13, Fri 18 September 2020

Sent to Fareham Borough Council and Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2300297.

The Service Area 5 has not been cleaned for several months. Rubbish is often fly-tipped next to the garages and a fridge freezer has been dumped. Refuse bins are never returned to people's property and are starting to make the general area smell, as well as attracting foxes. Bins often have to be moved to gain vehicular access. An alleyway in the Service Area is overgrown and smelly (again with bins left out). Emergency services would find it impossible to enter, if required, as cars are often parked inconsiderately close to the entrance. Both streetlights are out of order and the car park is very dark at night.

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