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Could we please have some clearer road markings in the hope that it will stop people parking illegally/dangerously

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 10:01, Thu 10 September 2020

Sent to Leeds City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2287619.

Various issues involving parking during school pick up / drop off. Blocking of driveways, parking in the bus stop and most recently blocking access to our residential car park. Please find attached photos of what we are contending with from which you will see that no common sense nor regard for safety has been taken into account when they decided to park and leave their vehicle. These photos were taken at 8.45am which is the peak of the school run. My concern is that Park Lane is becoming increasingly dangerous for school children to cross the road. On most occasions the children have to step into the road before they can check to see if the road is clear to cross as well as having to cross from behind/ in front of parked cars. Could we please have some clear signage and road markings on Park Lane before there is an accident involving a child.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 11:06, Thu 8 October 2020

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